Made For The Divorced Woman Looking To Create New Romance In The Real World

How To Find New Love And Attract The Right Man
Without Online Dating

Works For Women Of All Ages, Shapes, And Sizes

Here’s Why Divorced Women Are Struggling To Find New Love With The Right Man...

Let’s face after divorce can be a scary thing…

Things have changed to say the least.

Now there are all these apps, sites, and new “rules” to dating

Don’t you wish things could just go back to how they used to be? Meeting a high-quality man in the real world...

And worst of all, most of these online dating sites are filled with the wrong types of men.

Because how much can a man really know about you by looking at your picture in a profile versus meeting you in the real world…??

Let’s face it… 9/10 times a guy you meet online only wants one thing…

And if we’re being honest...he’s not exactly the creme of the crop.

So where are all the great men? thing is for sure...they are NOT on the dating apps.

But there are plenty of great, commitment-ready men, in the real world...and they are just waiting to meet you.

So how do you find them? 

How do you attract them…

And how do you create a steamy new love with the perfect partner?

Hi! I'm Camille Virginia, the number one OFFline dating expert. 

And after I was divorced a few years ago, I realized that the new world of dating was not what I wanted…

I set out to find love in the real world...eventually I found a way to find and connect with high-quality men wherever I went.

Now, I help divorced women ditch the screens, attract great men in the real world, and create in-person connections in everyday places.

I’ve helped thousands of divorced women find love in the real world.

If you’re sick and tired of online dating apps..Tired of the “new ways of dating” and just want to go back to the good old fashioned way of meeting a high-quality man in the real world...

Then this is for you. 

So DON’T hesitate...get access to “Real-Life Romance” my dating after divorce program. 

What you’re about to learn has the power to change your life forever!

Access it now and i’ll see you inside.
Get It Today!
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The Shortcut For The Divorced Women Looking For Romance In Real Life 
Have you ever had these thoughts before...

"Do I really have to be on my phone 24/7 just to meet a quality man?"

"Where can I meet a great man in the real world??"

I've heard struggles like these from so many of my clients and readers. ​Oftentimes my clients tell me “time is passing them by…” And at a super scary fast pace!

So I know that finding the right man for you is a pretty big promise - and may feel like a giant leap from where you are in life…

Maybe you feel like you have to choose between staying single or forcing yourself to use online dating and apps to get a date...

Or maybe you’re convinced that there are no good men out there, and if there are, you have no way to find them. But please know if any of that resonates with you…

You're definitely not alone.

When I first was divorced...I felt trapped in this world of online dating...

So I see you, I hear you, and I understand. 

But the truth is you don't want to “match” in a virtual world…you want to connect with an amazing man in real life.

A man you feel genuinely connected to, and can create red hot chemistry with. One who's also ready to be in a committed relationship and excited to build something special with you. 

So here’s my question for you...

What if it was actually easy for any divorced woman to create romance in real life? 

The good news is, there is a way that’s easy, fun, and FAST! You’ll learn how when you access the Real-Life Romance program right now.
Real-Life Romance gives you the tools to create romance in real life... Learn to attract the right man like a magnet...without going online. And the best part can happen almost instantly.
4 FREE Bonuses


The Six Steps To Catch The Eye Of A Great Man And Pull Him To You Like A Magnet (Without Saying A Word)


The Secrets To Finding A Great Man 10 Times Faster So You Don’t Have To Wait To Find The Epic Love You’re Looking For…


The Hidden Ways To Create Instant Connection With The Men You’re Most Attracted To


Learn How To Allure And Attract The Highest Value Men...If You’re Stuck Thinking All The Great Men Are Taken...Think Again
Offline Dating Secrets
As Featured On...
Here's How Any Woman Can Go From Stuck On The Dating Apps...
To Finding Love And Romance OFFline In The Real World
This Will Change Everything And It’s Unlike Anything You've Ever Heard Of Before 
Read The Story Below To Discover The OFFline Dating Secret...
Dear Frustrated Online Dater (this is for you…)
From: The laptop of Camille Virginia
Re: Say Goodbye To The Apps And Find Mr. Right In The Real World…
It’s Saturday night…

One of your girlfriends just invited you out with her and her fiance…

Jessica and her husband Tom will be there too…

You just got back from the grocery store and you were cooking dinner...alone.

So you decide you’ll tag along but deep down you’re tired of being a third wheel.
You’re tired of being the single one…
So you grab your phone and check that new online dating app to see if anyone messaged you…

Three messages…
  • One guy is clearly lying about his age.
  • ​The other sent you an inappropriate picture…
  • ​And the last guy started the conversation by basically harassing you…
Sigh...You’re used to that by now.
So you jump over to Facebook.

The newsfeed explodes.

Your cousin Jenny just had a baby? 

She’s ten years younger than you - when did she even start dating?

Your ex-boyfriend just got engaged...

Just what you want to see right now as a single woman sitting in bed alone on a Saturday night.
You're happy for them, but you want those same things for yourself. 

And they seem far from happening any time soon.

The closest you've come to finding someone you liked was that guy you met online…

You went on two amazing dates with…
Until he completely ghosted on you.
You finally admit it...being single feels lonely. Really lonely...
And it’s not fair. 

You’re awesome and have so much to offer the right guy…
  • Successful career
  • Close friends
  • Loving family
  • ​ make a mean spicy turkey chili. 
After going through all that and still ending up single…

It's almost impossible to stop the thoughts of self-doubt from creeping in…

“Is something wrong with me?”

“Are all the good men taken?”

“Am I going to be single forever??”

You’re more than ready to meet a quality guy who appreciates you, and who’s also ready for a relationship.

You've tried all the online dating sites. 

All the new apps. 

Spent hours trying to spark a meaningful conversation online...
But still, nothing.
Maybe you’re doomed to a life of meaningless online interactions…

Endlessly waiting for Mr. Right to magically appear…

Maybe you’ll run out of time…
Maybe you’ll always just be the bridesmaid but never the bride…
Well I’m here to tell you…
That’s NOT going to happen to you.
Because I’m about to show you…

There is a way to attract the right man like a magnet... 

...without going online.

And the best can happen almost instantly.

So why settle for being swiped-over...

When you can attract your perfect partner in the real world?
Hi! I'm Camille Virginia, the number one oFFline dating expert…
I help women…
Ditch the screens…
Attract great guys in the real world
And create in-person connections in everyday places.
I’ve helped thousands of women find love OFFline…
And if you’re sick and tired of online dating apps..

Tired of the harassment…

The lies…

And the superficial nature of online dating…
Then this is for you. 
Because right now…
I’m going to share with you the secrets to attracting a great guy OFFline in 30 seconds...without even saying a word.
So pay close attention because what you’re about to learn has the power to change your life forever.

Because let’s face it…

Dating apps were supposed to be a fun new way to meet men…

But for many women, they've morphed into a digital dystopia of lies, harassment, and few (if any) quality dates.

Research continues to reveal the destructive consequences of our increasing-digitized world – especially in the dating arena…
The truth is...these dating apps aren’t really designed to help us find love…

In fact here’s what dating apps are really doing to us...

They’re creating a “human supermarket” where users judge each other based almost solely on appearance...

They’re overwhelming users with a “Paradox of Choice” to the point of being unable to make any decision...

They’re designed for user engagement (such as membership and ad revenue) instead of actually helping us find real love...

And not to mention...these apps are bringing out the worst behavior in men

And at the same time...
They’re making it harder for us to connect in real life.
Sounds pretty bad right…?

And if you feel the same why I used to…
You just wish you could naturally attract great men in the real world…
Because if you're like most women I’ve worked with, you've probably had thoughts like...
"Do I really have to be on my phone 24/7 just to meet a quality guy?"

"My friends keep swiping trying to meet a man, but that doesn't work for me" 

"Where can I meet a great guy in the real world??"
I've heard struggles like these from so many of my clients and readers....​

Oftentimes my clients tell me...“time is passing them by…”
And at a super scary fast pace!

So I know that finding the right guy for you is a pretty big promise - and may feel like a giant leap from where you are in life…

Maybe you feel like you have to choose between staying single or forcing yourself to use online dating and apps to get a date...
Or maybe you’re convinced that there are no good guys out there…
And if there are, you have no way to find them...
But please know if any of that resonates with you…
You're definitely not alone.
I see you, I hear you, and I understand. 

You don't want to get "swiped away"... want to get SWEPT away by an amazing man who completely adores you!

A man you feel genuinely connected to, and can create red hot chemistry with….

Who's also ready to be in a committed relationship, and excited to build something special with you. 

With everyone buried in their phones though…

It can feel impossible (and totally intimidating) to approach..

Let alone TALK to other people - especially a guy you're attracted to.
But what if it was actually easy to meet a great guy?
And what if I could show you a not just meet a great guy in the real world…

But how to effortlessly create a connection with him that’s far more than physical attraction…
And ignites a deep emotional bond with him…
From the very first conversation.

What if I told you every day presents you with countless opportunities to find love?

❌   And no, I’m not talking about online dating...

✅   I’m talking about you - right here, right now, in the real world.

You can experience the rush of flirting with a stranger at the grocery store…

Or handing your digits to Tall, Dark, & Handsome in the coffee shop.
There's an untapped market of millions of men who are starved for face-to-face conversations.

And there is no better time than NOW to take the steps toward finding him.

Which means…

When you discover how to instantly create meaningful real-world connections with the men you’re most attracted to…
🚫  Without apps…
🚫  Without profiles…
🚫  And without swiping ever again.
The power to attract the best men out now yours for the taking. 
Because right now I’m going to show you how to wield that magical attraction power...
And I’m going to reveal my step-by-step process…

That will allow you to start attracting great men today...

Without having to brave the savage world of online dating.

But don’t just take my word for it…

Here’s Hailey…

She used my methods to recently meet a great guy in the greeting card aisle at Walgreens and they exchanged numbers…
Or Gen who met a cute guy, OFFline, after taking my flirting course...sent me this email recently. Spoiler alert...she’s now engaged to her dream man.

(Then this happened…🥰)

Or Rebecca who met someone while she was out with her friends...and using my techniques was able to stop feeling self conscious and finally started feeling confident and attractive.
Or Nina, who used the secrets I teach, and went on a date with an amazing guy she met at Starbucks.
Or Amber who just started a relationship with a guy she met in real life thanks to my OFFline dating secrets.
The list goes on and on…

Hundreds of women have reached out to me and told me because of what they learned with my OFFline Dating Secrets
They’ve been able to finally meet amazing men, in real life.
And they have been able to ditch the dating apps for good.

From meeting in the grocery store…
The dog park…
The coffee shop…
Or even the airport…
Hundreds of women are meeting incredible men…
Every. Single. Day.

Using my OFFline Dating Secrets...
And the best part is...these methods are so easy to use that any woman can learn how to do this.

It’s simple...there’s just three steps to get started.

And it’s FAST!

So fast that you can download OFFline Dating Secrets right now

And have a red hot date by TONIGHT!
And that’s not an exaggeration.

Hours after many of my workshops I end up getting texts from women that say something like this…
So at this point you’re probably wondering how I Discovered All Of This…
Like I said, my name is Camille Virginia.

I'm the creator of OFFline Dating Secrets…

For the past five years, I've given women who were burned out with online dating…

My authentic attraction and connection secrets to meet men without any technology.

And as the world's #1 offline dating expert...
I've been featured across 100+ media outlets.
But the truth is... 

I didn’t always have these attraction and connection superpowers I now teach.

In fact, far from it…​

Growing up with social anxiety meant I was very shy, not only around men, but around everyone…
I could barely look some people in the eye without blushing and turning away.

This is a big problem for me because deep down…
I wanted to be able to find love with a man who I connected with On A Deep Emotional Level.
I always wanted to feel worthy of epic love, to find a man who was kind, confident, and cherished me.
I wanted to find my soul mate.
But in order to do that...I knew I needed to learn how to talk to men, especially the men I was attracted to.

But I felt clueless on how to talk to guys... 

Let alone be attractive to them…especially with everyone being on their phone all the time.

Everyone else seemed to talk to each other with ease, and I just didn't get it.

And as an introvert...I hated small talk, it was so draining... 

So I felt stuck...confused...and frustrated.

But despite my social awkwardness…

Years later, I somehow found myself in a long distance relationship…

So I decided to move across the country to Chicago to be with my new boyfriend who lived there.
But just three weeks after moving...he broke up with me.
Needless to say I was depressed...and to make matters worse…

Being in a brand new city all by myself...I knew no one and needed to find friends.

I was so lonely.

It was time to face my social fears and overcome them in a way that felt good for me.

I knew I enjoyed meaningful conversations with friends…

So why couldn't I create them with strangers and have them lead to a date?

After months of practice…

I finally discovered a secret that put an end to boring small talk and allowed me to instantly connect with almost anyone I met.

It started with people like the grocery store clerk or the mailman…

But eventually...I started using what I discovered on the men I was most attracted to.

And when I started having more quality conversations instead of boring small talk…

I finally enjoyed having conversations with anyone and best of all…
Men couldn't get enough of me!
So I took steps to push past my social comfort zone and learned how to actually enjoy connecting with others.

I realized it wasn't about talking to everyone, and about stuff I didn't care about, but going for quality over quantity through a specific connection process.

As I practiced, I started getting asked out in the most random places — in the greeting card aisle of the drug store, on a plane, even by my cable guy!
And I created my signature method…

The Offline Dating Method, that works for everyone…

 No matter how shy or socially awkward you feel.
Other women asked for the secrets behind my “offline” success so I put together a PowerPoint presentation…

Which turned into a live workshop which turned into my business Master OFFline Dating.
Which has now helped thousands of women around the world ditch the dating apps and attract men in the real world.
I'm still true to my introverted nature... 
but now, after going through my transformation, I'm addicted to meaningful connection.

I can confidently talk to absolutely anyone, and have screened for quality people to be in my life

Because of that, my partner and I have an amazing relationship and are planning our future together…

AND I never feel lonely.

I've now taught OFFline Dating Secrets in over 100 live workshops and written a best-selling book featured in major media such as The Atlantic, Cosmopolitan, and USA Today
I’ve been through the dating and social struggles... 

Feeling shy and insecure…

Wondering what to say to Coffee-Shop-Man…

Letting golden moments pass by because I had no clue how to handle them…

Let alone convert them into a connection or a date.

But’ll never have any of those problems ever again.

Because I’m about to remove all the guesswork.

So I’m here to tell you that if you’re feeling lonely, you don’t have to! 
You can find love all around you.
You have the power to change where you are in life, and I want to give you the tools to do that.

So, if you’re ready to take control of your love life, then don’t wait.

Click the button on this page to access OFFline Dating Secrets right now.
So maybe you’re wondering…
How does this work?
Well let me show you how simple this really is.

So here’s your roadmap to attraction in the real world

Step 1:Magnetic Approachability

The first step is to get any man that you’re attracted to to approach you when you enter his presence…

You’ll do this all without saying a single word.

I’ll show you how to catch the eye of an intriguing stranger and magnetically pull them to you.

Step 2:Effortless Engagement

The next step is to turn approachability into engagement. 

You’ll discover how to talk to anyone with zero risk of rejection (even if you’re shy)

You’ll align your thoughts, words, and actions to put you into an effortless flow so you can start a conversation with anyone.

Step 3:Asked Out Organically

The last step is to create instantly meaningful connections that inspire a great date! 

I’ll show you how to steer any conversation into a hot date if that’s what you want.

And those are the three steps that any woman can learn.

All you have to do is click the button on your screen and access OFFline Dating Secrets now.
And I know any woman can learn this because…
I’ve coached hundreds of women who have had life changing transformations…

Like Ana who’s a 35 year old single mom and PhD student…

She hadn’t dated in 5 years.

But after working with me...I taught her how to be magnetically approachable...then she learned how to have effortless engagements…

And it wasn’t long before conversations she was having naturally turned into dates.

And now she’s an offline dating’s what she had to say…

Ana, 35 - From Not Dating in 5 Years To Offline Dating Rockstar

Needless to say, she had tons of new found confidence in her OFFline dating ability and she’s never going back to the apps.

And there’s Holly who’s a 34 year old teacher...who went from...

Holly, 34 - From “I Don’t Talk To People” To Chatting With High Value Men Like A Pro

And now she’s been dating OFFline ever since.

Or there’s Jenessa, a 26 year old IT specialist, who went from…

Jenessa, 26 - From “Socially Awkward And Shy” To Naturally Attracting Men And Authentically Connecting With Ease

When she started working with me...she said she had almost “given up on finding a relationship...”

But now she has more confidence than ever and she has the ability to strike up conversations...that can turn into dates...wherever she goes.

So at this point…
You know you need to download OFFline Dating Secrets right now.
But you might be wondering…
What’s included in OFFline Dating Secrets?
So here’s everything you’re going to get…

OFFline Dating Secrets is the single woman’s step-by-step guide to…
  • Social confidence…
  • Romantic connection…
  • And authentic dates with the men you’re most attracted to.
When you access OFFline Dating Secrets right now…

You’ll learn the skills that have the power to transform not only your love life, but the way you interact with every person you meet.

Here’s a breakdown of just a few things you’ll learn…
  How to attract the right guy in under 30 seconds (without saying a word) 
  (Find out how on page 19)
  How to go from..."shy around men" to Mr. Right asking you out in real life...(in a 100% natural way - even if talking to men terrifies you) 
  (Discover how on page 43)
  Word-for-word scripts to naturally break the ice with any guy (so you can take advantage of every “golden moment”)
  (Find out how on page 50)
  The 1 phrase that gets him to ask you out (this works even if you're shy, and once you say this he won’t be able to resist asking you on a date)
  (Get the phrase on page 73)
  You'll learn how to meet men everywhere you go and turn any encounter into a date (so now you never have to miss an opportunity with the right man ever again)
  (Revealed on page 20)
  The key phrase that will have him asking for your phone number - even if you have no clue how to flirt (this works so well you can use it in almost any conversation with a man)
  (Learn more on page 79)
  The best way to avoid getting stuck in the “friend zone” (so you can turn any interaction with a man into a romantic and flirtatious one)
  (Discover how on page 67)
  The quickest way to tell what his true intentions are – and if you’re actually compatible with each other right from the very first interaction
  (Find out how on page 44)
  How to naturally steer a casual chat toward exchanging digits
  (Learn how on page 74)
  How to pull him to you like a magnet - without saying a word
  (Jump to page 22 to learn how)
  How to safely signal your interest in him (so you never have to worry about risking rejection)
  (Learn more on page 38)
  Learn 3 ways to jumpstart a flirtatious convo with any man (I’ll show you how to turn a boring conversation into a red hot flirtatious one)
  (Find out now on page 68)
  How to have him so excited to ask you out on a date within minutes of starting a conversation…
  (Learn this secrets on page 84)
  You’ll get my key scripts to break the ice with any man (even if you’re shy and you think he’s out of your league)
  (Get the scripts on page 52)
Why he's PETRIFIED of approaching you - unless you do this
  (Learn more on page 29)
  Learn the instant antidote to Resting Bitch Face (so you stop repelling men and start attracting them with ease)
  (Revealed on page 36)
  The powerful 10-second ritual to do before heading out (so you can look and feel more magnetic and attractive to men)
  (Explained on page 22)
  How to have a magical “How We Met” story (the kind that will make your friends and families’ jaw drop!)
  (Discover how on page 41)
You’ll learn all of this and so much more when you download the OFFline Dating Secrets now.
And here’s what people are saying about OFFline Dating Secrets...

(UPDATE: I’m happy to report... Kelly got married thanks to what she learned in OFFline Dating Secrets.)


(And this one is from a client I worked with a year ago…)

So when you purchase OFFline Dating Secrets today…

You’ll not only get access to the amazing content I just mentioned…
But I’m also going to add in these extra bonuses completely for free…
Bonus 1:
Bonus 2:
Bonus 3:
Bonus 4:
So I’m sure by now you’re wondering how much all this life-changing content is going to cost you…
All you have to do is click the button on this page and you can download it right now at that price…
But hurry before it’s too late.

I realize these videos are very inexpensive for such life-changing results… and I'm practically giving them away…

And you're probably wondering:
What's the "catch"…?
There’s no catch.
I’ve seen first hand how life changing this information can be…

My true reward is getting messages from the ladies I teach telling me how they met the man of their dreams thanks to the information I provided…

So that’s all I ask.

After you purchase OFFline Dating Secrets…

And after you put it to good use.

Just be sure to shoot me a message letting me know about the incredible experiences and love I know you’ll find.

But with all that said, there is ONE thing to keep in mind:
This Won’t Last Long
The truth is...

In the past, I’ve sold versions of this training for hundreds of dollars... but that meant I could only help a few women at a time.

I needed to find a way to share this life-changing material with the world.

And I realized…

If I really wanted to impact as many women as possible...what if I could bring the price down so much that any woman could access this training...

So I decided to lower the price all the way down to the low price you see below.

This allows me to impact more people and help them have the relationship they truly deserve and desire.

But you have to understand in most cases, I am losing money when I sell the OFFline Dating Secrets program at this price…

For every woman who purchases this product, it costs me about three times that amount in advertising expenses...

So why would I do that?


I'm making this offer for as long as I can afford it to bring the biggest change into the women who need it...

And I know that every woman who takes this training will put an end to the destructive cycle of online dating...and finally feel empowered again to find the right man OFFline.

I’m also looking for a few women so empowered by this training that they will want to work with me in the future.

I'm betting that this training will change your life so much, and it will have such an impact on your love life and'll ask to join me in personal training or work with me directly in the future.

Does that sound fair to you?

But - with all of that said, this is a limited-time offer.
I might have to shut this down at any moment.
Oh...and there’s one more thing…

I’m also going to give you…
“100% Risk-Free Guarantee” 

Risk Free Guarantee Or Your Money Back

Which means you have a full 30 days to get OFFline Dating Secrets...

And if it doesn’t work for you, you can just send me an email and I’ll refund all your money no questions asked.

PLUS you’ll be able to keep all the training and bonuses as a way of saying “thank you” for giving it a try.

So do not wait. 
Click the button on this page to get instant access to the OFFline Dating Secrets program right now.

So I gotta ask...
When Will Time Run Out For You?
How much longer are you willing to wait for him to "just show up"? 
Or for you to feel "100% ready to finally meet him?"
Because if you want to start a family and feel like time is running out... 

How much more time can you waste on online and apps trying to find this guy?
Or if you're waiting around for your body to be in better shape… don't you want someone to love you as you are?
Or waiting until your kids are older, your job gets less crazy, the weather gets better…
There is no better time than NOW to take the steps toward finding him.
You don’t need anyone’s approval - start with your own approval of yourself being worthy as you are right now.
Because in waiting around for things to be "perfect" (whatever that means), you lose time and opportunities of happiness for yourself - and we can't ever get that time back
And there's almost nothing as painful as waking up one day to realize life is passing you by…

And that you're not living it the way you want to - or even taking any steps toward getting there.
You know that, deep down, if you don't start doing something differently in your dating life, you may never find that loving, committed relationship.
And if that's true, it means a few years from now you will probably be in the exact same position as you are right now.
Getting food at the grocery store to make a meal for one.
Trying to get your married girlfriends to go on a trip with you - or maybe just going on vacation by yourself.
Going out to dinner with your bestie on a Saturday night, and finding yourself surrounded by happy couples everywhere giving each other the lovebird googly eyes.
It doesn't have to be that way though, when you take action now. 

So click the button now to get instant access to OFFline Dating Secrets.
Why keep trying to figure things out by yourself when you have the option to work with expert advice and proven material to give you all the answers to finally meet that great guy?
No matter who you are…

How old you are…

Or where you live…

You can find the right man for you - without using any technology.
I'll show you exactly how to do it in OFFline Dating Secrets.

So click the button and download it right now.
You CAN have all your dating dreams come true.
You can find an amazing man who's perfect for you.
You can have that secure, loving relationship with him that you've always wanted.
I promise it’s not hard - if you have the right roadmap.

I'm here and ready to teach you, every step of the way.

So click the button now and get started.
Get it Today!
There’s no reason to wait.

This really is the best deal you’ll ever see for this kind of information.

So make your move...take action right now.

Camille Virginia

P.S. Remember, OFFLine Dating Secrets comes with The “100% Risk-Free Guarantee” Money-Back Guarantee.

Download it, read it, implement it, get results. 

And if you’re not happy for any reason (and I mean ANY reason) - just let me know and we’ll refund you your $9
Here's What's In The Program
  How to attract the right guy in under 30 seconds (without saying a word)
  (Find out how on page 19)
  How to go from..."shy around men" to Mr. Right asking you out in real life...(in a 100% natural way - even if talking to men terrifies you)
  (Discover how on page 43)
  Word-for-word scripts to naturally break the ice with any guy (so you can take advantage of every “golden moment”)
  (Get the script on page 50)
  The 1 phrase that gets him to ask you out (this works even if you're shy, and once you say this he won’t be able to resist asking you on a date) 
  (Get the phrase on page 73)
  You'll learn how to meet men everywhere you go and turn any encounter into a date (so now you never have to miss an opportunity with the right man ever again)
  (Revealed on page 20)
  The key phrase that will have him asking for your phone number - even if you have no clue how to flirt (this works so well you can use it in almost any conversation with a man)
  (Learn more on page 79)
  The best way to avoid getting stuck in the “friend zone” (so you can turn any interaction with a man into a romantic and flirtatious one)
(Discover how on page 67)
  The quickest way to tell what his true intentions are – and if you’re actually compatible with each other right from the very first interaction
  (Find out how on page 44)
  How to naturally steer a casual chat toward exchanging digits
  (Learn how on page 74)
  How to pull him to you like a magnet - without saying a word
  (Jump to page 22 to learn how)
  How to safely signal your interest in him (so you never have to worry about risking rejection)
  (Learn more on page 38)
  Learn 3 ways to jumpstart a flirtatious convo with any man (I’ll show you how to turn a boring conversation into a red hot flirtatious one)
  (Find out now on page 68)
  How to have him so excited to ask you out on a date within minutes of starting a conversation…
  (Learn this secrets on page 84)
  You’ll get my key scripts to break the ice with any man (even if you’re shy and you think he’s out of your league)
  (Get the scripts on page 52)
  Why he's PETRIFIED of approaching you - unless you do this…
  (Learn more on page 29) 
  Learn the instant antidote to Resting Bitch Face (so you stop repelling men and start attracting them with ease)
  (Revealed on page 36)
  The powerful 10-second ritual to do before heading out (so you can look and feel more magnetic and attractive to men)
  (Explained on page 22)
  How to have a magical “How We Met” story (the kind that will make your friends and families’ jaw drop!)
  (Discover how on page 41)
Get OFFline Dating Secrets
Frequently Asked Questions
Who is this for?
OFFline Dating Secrets are the tools you need to create romance in real life...OFFline. If you want to learn how to attract the right man like a magnet...without going online then this is for you. Learn to ditch the screens, attract great guys in the real world, and create in-person connections in everyday places. So don’t hesitate, get OFFline Dating Secrets now.
What is the OFFline Dating Secrets Program?
I know that finding the right guy for you is a pretty big promise - and may feel like a giant leap from where you are in life…Maybe you feel like you have to choose between staying single or forcing yourself to use online dating and apps to get a date. I understand. You don't want to get "swiped away" want to get SWEPT away by an amazing man who completely adores you! The good news is, there is a way that’s easy, fun, and FAST! You’ll learn how when you download the OFFline Dating Secrets program right now.
I want this, what exactly am I getting?
The OFFline Secrets package is really special. I wanted to make it so good that you’d feel silly by not ordering if saying goodbye to the dating apps and saying hello to Mr. Right in the real world is what you want. What you’ll get in this special offer includes a series of video training along with a PDF guide. You’re also getting a ton of bonuses like Instantly Approachable, The Busy Girl’s Guide To Dating, The Spontaneous Secret, and The High Value Man Magnet.
How is this different than all the other stuff out there?
Most other programs that claim to get you the relationship and love that you’re looking for require you to use online dating to find a “match.” This is the opposite. Here you’ll learn to unlock authentic connections in real life with great men….all without the apps, the swiping, or the headache of online dating.
Do you offer more in depth help?
Yes. Nothing was held back while creating OFFline Dating Secrets but for the people that want further assistance we do offer opportunities to "upgrade" your order after purchasing.
Is there a guarantee?
Yes, you get a 30 day money back guarantee in case it's not for you. You’ll even be able to keep the program free of charge as my way of saying “thanks” for giving it a try.
Get OFFline Dating Secrets
OFFline Dating Secrets
Included Bonuses


The Six Steps To Catch The Eye Of A Great Guy And Pull Him To You Like A Magnet (Without Saying A Word)


The Secrets To Finding A Great Guy 10 Times Faster So You Don’t Have To Wait To Find The Epic Love You’re Looking For…


The Hidden Ways To Create Instant Connection With The Men You’re Most Attracted To


Learn How To Allure And Attract The Highest Value Men...If You’re Stuck Thinking All The Great Men Are Taken...Think Again
Get OFFline Dating Secrets
Here's Everything You're Getting 
For Only $9 Today
Learn to attract the right man like a magnet...without going online. And the best part can happen almost instantly.
(Yours For FREE When You Get OFFline Dating Secrets)
Included With Your Order

Instantly Approachable

The Six Steps To Catch The Eye Of A Great Guy And Pull Him To You Like A Magnet (Without Saying A Word)
Included With Your Order

Busy Girl's Guide To Dating

The Secrets To Finding A Great Guy 10 Times Faster So You Don’t Have To Wait To Find The Epic Love You’re Looking For…
Included With Your Order

The Spontaneous Secret

The Hidden Ways To Create Instant Connection With The Men You’re Most Attracted To
Included With Your Order

High-Value Man Magnet

Learn How To Allure And Attract The Highest Value Men...If You’re Stuck Thinking All The Great Men Are Taken...Think Again
Included With Your Order

The Surrender Secret

Learn the secret to being adored, valued, SEEN deeply, and cherished by any man

Included With Your Order

Feminine Archetype Quiz

Identify your feminine archetype to learn exactly what’s been holding you back in relationships so you can unlock the love you deserve
Included With Your Order

Feminine Texting Secrets

Learn the "magnetic" way of texting that gets him to constantly come back for more

Bonus #1


The Six Steps To Catch The Eye Of A Great Guy And Pull Him To You Like A Magnet (Without Saying A Word)
Bonus #2


The Secrets To Finding A Great Guy 10 Times Faster So You Don’t Have To Wait To Find The Epic Love You’re Looking For…
Bonus #3


The Hidden Ways To Create Instant Connection With The Men You’re Most Attracted To
Bonus #4


Learn How To Allure And Attract The Highest Value Men...If You’re Stuck Thinking All The Great Men Are Taken...Think Again
Access the content directly on your computer, phone, or tablet and start implementing right away.
"Camille is the master coach for women who are trying to "
— Marianne Williamson
Here's a sneak peek Of What's inside the book
Frequently Asked Questions
Who is this for?
OFFline Dating Secrets are the tools you need to create romance in real life...OFFline. If you want to learn how to attract the right man like a magnet...without going online then this is for you. Learn to ditch the screens, attract great guys in the real world, and create in-person connections in everyday places. So don’t hesitate, get OFFline Dating Secrets now.
I want this, what exactly am I getting?
The OFFline Secrets package is really special. I wanted to make it so good that you’d feel silly by not ordering if saying goodbye to the dating apps and saying hello to Mr. Right in the real world is what you want. What you’ll get in this special offer includes a series of video training along with a PDF guide. You’re also getting a ton of bonuses like Instantly Approachable, The Busy Girl’s Guide To Dating, The Spontaneous Secret, and The High Value Man Magnet.
Do you offer more in depth help?
Yes. Nothing was held back while creating OFFline Dating Secrets but for the people that want further assistance we do offer opportunities to "upgrade" your order after purchasing.
What is the OFFline Dating Secrets Program?
I know that finding the right guy for you is a pretty big promise - and may feel like a giant leap from where you are in life…Maybe you feel like you have to choose between staying single or forcing yourself to use online dating and apps to get a date. I understand. You don't want to get "swiped away" want to get SWEPT away by an amazing man who completely adores you! The good news is, there is a way that’s easy, fun, and FAST! You’ll learn how when you download the OFFline Dating Secrets program right now.
How is this different than all the other stuff out there?
Most other programs that claim to get you the relationship and love that you’re looking for require you to use online dating to find a “match.” This is the opposite. Here you’ll learn to unlock authentic connections in real life with great men….all without the apps, the swiping, or the headache of online dating.
Is there a guarantee?
Yes, you get a 30 day money back guarantee in case it's not for you. You’ll even be able to keep the program free of charge as my way of saying “thanks” for giving it a try.
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